
Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is one of the more hidden forms of abuse, yet has the ability to devastate a man’s life. It is used by perpetrators as a means of controlling their victim and increasing the victim’s dependency on them. According to the UK charity Refuge, there are nearly a million people living in the UK right now who are in a relationship with a partner who is financially abusive.

Help for Male victims of domestic abuse!

Men experiencing a breakdown of their relationship

Asking for help can be hard. It’s OK to talk.

Information and referral service for male victims

Examples of Financial Abuse include:

Enforcing allowances, using debit or credit cards without permission, taking our paid contracts in the victim’s name without permission, not allowing the victim to have their own job or bank account, forcing the victim to explain every purchase.

Financial abuse plays a huge part in a man’s ability to leave a partner who is abusing them.

Many men hold multiple jobs and still say they have no money and so they cannot leave.

Financial Abuse